Maggie Lou and Phoebe Jane

Maggie Lou and Phoebe Jane

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sleep Deprivation

Don't be fooled, I took this picture because it is as rare as capturing Bigfoot on film!

Everything every parent told me was right! Everyone said " Get your sleep now!" but you can't possibly know until after you have the kids how little and sporadic sleep you are going to get. Only those of you who are already parents could possibly know. There is no preparation for this no matter how many people warn you or tell you from their own experience.
Then there is twins! It is fricking insane. Praise God we have my Mother-in-Law Marjie staying with us and helping out. Without her I would either be
1. Die
2. I would have sold a baby on the black market (white babies fetch quite a price)
3. Packed my camping gear and headed off into the hills to be a hermit.
4. I would have killed a random homeless person.
All that was avoided by the selflessness of my Mother-In-Law, (here to referred to as Marjie).So you had one baby and thought it was hard! Two babies at once.... TWO BABIES! It is as crazy as it seems and are girls are doing amazing and we are having almost no real problems. I can't imagine what it would be like if they were difficult or colicky or something, just thinking of that gives me nightmares.

It is Tuesday morning , at least I think it is. For the past two weeks there is only one night that I had over four hours of consecutive sleep and I know it is just the beginning. We have to feed every three hours and Jeannie has to pump so this whole process takes about and hour and a half. Then we get a hour and a half break and begin the process all over again. I am so thankful that my job is playing music, I can barely pull it off. I have zoned out a couple of time behind the mic but all in all I think I am pulling it off okay. Right when I think I can't do this anymore or I am going to loose my mind, Marjie steps in and relieves us and saves the day!!

My wife.... She is amazing. She gets less sleep than me guaranteed because she is the owner operator of the Cross Dairy specializing in nutritional raw milk (Cheese and Ice cream coming soon!). She barely complains and she has shown very little emotional or hormonal distress. Jeannie has come through this whole process like a champ and she is definitely in the 95 percentile of successful Motherhood,(just like everything else she does).

So that is our days as of now. Feed, sleep, rest, change diapers, hold babies, change diapers, feed, rest, sleep, change diapers. ...........