Maggie Lou and Phoebe Jane

Maggie Lou and Phoebe Jane

Monday, November 1, 2010


I know I know.... it has been way too long! I remember when I started this I was going to do it everyday so I would have some followers. Now I think there might be 5 of you actually reading this (thanks Holly).
I always have great intentions! I always desire to do great things but then I just don't. It is just so much easier to not do something, right? The desire to put things off is almost overcoming sometimes. My wife will come home and say "what did you do?" with pride I will explain that I replied to some emails, worked out, and even did a load of laundry. Then I go to a gig for three hours and comeback and she has finished the laundry, cleaned out the fridge, dusted and washed the floors, re sanded and oiled the front door and Isolated a protein that she is pretty sure can cure cancer. She gets stuff done!
My brain is always going a million miles an hour. I come up with great ideas and big plans! If just one of these plans ever came to be I would probably be a millionaire. However I am not the trigger man , I just conceive these ideas and I need someone to make them happen.
I worked for a guy, let's just call him Chris Camron. He is the Camp director at Camp Ocean Pines in Cambria, CA. He is the combination of both of these! He is an idea man and he knows how to make things happen. The guy is pretty unstoppable and when I worked there we came up with lots of great ideas about the camp. Since I left he has made all of these things happen. That is so impressive! Chris, you are an inspiration!

So now I am pumped. It is time to seize the day! but maybe I am gonna watch a movie first to rest up before the big push of productivity.

1 comment:

Dan Cross said...

I can so relate but then again I AM your mother and as such apologize for any bad genes that leaked through. BUT each day is a new beginning....I AM going to clean today right after I do a few other things. I just hope the day lasts long enough! I did vote!alueun