Maggie Lou and Phoebe Jane

Maggie Lou and Phoebe Jane

Monday, January 10, 2011

It's a new year! It is time to get back on the blog. I got a little intimidated by my friend Holly because hers is so aWesome but, variety is the spice of life!
So I was up at 6 and walked to coffee this morning. I figured it is time to take advantage of my freedom before the twins come. Twins , I can't believe it! I know it won't seem real until they are here. SO I guess in June this turns into a blog about a first time Dad raising twins. That will be entertaining for you I bet. Don't get me wrong I thank God every day for the blessing of children , I am so excited about raising a family with my beautiful wife. I just know that there is no way to prep myself! I have never changed a diaper, I don't know how to use a car seat, and I am pretty much ignoring every parenting book! Well not really;)
we are super blessed that Jeannie will be able to have the first four or five months off with me, then I am Mr. mom. Bring it on, I am ready for the Mommy and me classes and the Mom's workout group in the park and story time at the library. Then at night I am playing music at bars and restaurants. Rock and roll all night and Daddy every day! I have no concept of what I am in for but I am in! bring it on Life! I am ready for bottles, blankets, strollers, binkies,swaddling, and diapers, well maybe not diapers , that is the only shitty part:)


The Pfefferkorns said...

matty- you are going to be an amazing daddy and those twins will be playing drums, eating dirt naked all day long. It is an adventure of a lifetime!

Alyssa said...

There is no doubt in my mind, you will be an awesome Dad! Parenting is such an adventure. So funny, tiring, and rewarding! Can't wait to see those cute little babies. When is Jeannie's ultrasound to find out the sex?

Unknown said...

You'll be great, Fave. I have complete faith in you! Glad to be partnering with you on this! I love you!

Unknown said...

The most useful thing in those parenting books...when you get frustrated put your child (for you children) in a safe place and take a five minute break.

Other than that it's learning on the fly. Baby 411 is a must have book to get a sense of whether you are overreacting in calling 911 because your kids crap is a shade of green you never knew existed. Other than that, call uncle glen, he'll answer any questions you have.